Woman Finding out About Her Cheating Fiance via Facebook Post Will Give You Hope in Social Media

We would accept being anything or anyone today, except for this woman named Aya. We love the Internet, and today social media has proved -yet again- that it can equally save and ruin lives. A hilarious Facebook post by Hasnaa El-Debawy went viral because she is basically every woman’s best friend.
The post warned a girl called Aya from 10th of Ramadan city about her fiance from Tanta. The post was very descriptive. El-Debawy tried as much as she could to help Aya find out about her cheating lover.

According to the post, the fiancee was sitting behind El-Debawy in a microbus with a girl called Reham. El-Debawy heard the two supposed lovebirds plotting and scheming. The fiancee apparently wants to dump Aya after taking 15,000 LE from her.
Rumors are circulating that the real Aya heard about her fiance and has already broke off the engagement. If this is true, we take our hats off to the woman who saved the bride.