Fashion ADDICT or Fashion VICTIM?


Everyone is into fashion, even men who pretend that they really don’t care about what they are wearing, but if you take a closer look you will realize how much they are actually into their threads.

Yesterday, when I was on campus I noticed one thing that I couldn’t stop thinking about; the sweatpants TREND. Everyone is now wearing sweatpants.

For some reason they seem to be EVERYWHERE! Whether you are a male or a female, fat or skinny, tall or short; you will always find sweatpants for you or even yoga pants.

The problem is that sweatpants don’t actually fit EVERYONE.

Hello! Don’t get me wrong; I get that everyone has the right to dress up the way they want, but sometimes people are actually fashion/trend victims because they tend to wear whatever is trendy instead of what actually SUITS them.

The question is : Are you a fashion addict or a fashion victim?

I personally believe that we should wear what flatters our figures, yet most importantly what represents our characters because when people see you for the first time they will make their assumptions of who you are through what you are wearing.

What i’m basically trying to say is be a fashion addict follow all the trends ,but when it comes to what you actually wear make sure to pick what fits you the most!

Lucky for you, there are plenty of trends out there so don’t just get stuck with the bad ones or dress like everybody else.

It’s GREAT to be unique.

Find a trend and make it your own because “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different” -Coco Chanel.
