Energy-Boosting Foods To Eat During Ramadan
You know how you spend about two hours after iftar being a couch potato, then complain that the evening passed by way too fast?
Sadly, that’s the reality of Ramadan. You can barely function during the day due to the lack of sleep and energy and even after you finally get to eat, it’s a struggle to finally get off the couch.
Here are some foods you might want to consider in your Ramadan diet to keep you energized.
Apples contain many vitamins and minerals, including a high amount of fiber that will definitely give you that energy boost you need.
Bananas are not only good energy boosters containing lots of potassium, they are also good for your heart.
Strawberries are also a heart-friendly fruit. Eat them frozen, fresh or even in a smoothie.
Pineapples contain high levels of manganese, which is essential for energy production. And they taste yummy!
As they provide a lot of Vitamin C, oranges are fantastic energy boosters.
Watermelon doesn’t only taste good, it also contains antioxidants and will give you some major energy.
Try replacing your coffee with coconut water for a natural caffeine-like kick.
Whether you eat them plain or have them in your salad, cucumbers are always good for your body as they’re full of Vitamin B and Vitamin C.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin A and Vitamin C. These will definitely increase your energy.
Because it’s full of iron, spinach will help you fight your laziness.
Both a protein and a complex carb, beans will make a marked difference in your day.
Broccoli is known for its many benefits, but you might not have know that it’s a great go-to vegetable for some energy as well. Try having it a side dish.
Full of healthy fats, almonds are also instant energy boosters.
Make sure your popcorn is organic and only flavored using salt, then happily eat for some extra energy.
WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss The Best and Worst Foods to Eat for Sohour.