Egyptian Movie Shows You How It’s Like to Actually Live with Depression


“When a good university friend of mine told me she had suffered from depression in high school, I reacted with skepticism and little understanding: ‘What do you mean, you couldn’t get out of bed in the morning?'” This is a meaningful quote from a text published by Sara Bøgh. A quote, that perfectly summons how most of us see depression as a solely mental condition or even worse — something people prescribe themselves when feeling sorry or regretful about their life choices. Well, it’s not always like that.


According to this study, more than 1.5 million of the Egyptian population suffers from depression. A mental illness most of us know very little about…but should. And thanks to the short movie, A Hidden Scar, made by a Youssef A, more people will know about it. In a country where mental illness is a topic that is shrouded in stigma and still spoken about in hushed tones in many segments of society, this movie attempts to shed some light on depression, but most importantly, it tells people that it’s okay to be depressed, and always to seek for help.



WE SAID THIS: Watch the powerful movie above, and make sure to share it.

