Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey Among Top 32 Most Powerful Economies in 2050

As much as the overall impression of Egypt’s economy does not carry any optimistic vibes, a recent report says otherwise. PwC released a report that studies the economies of different countries and suggest the biggest and most powerful ones in 33 yeas.
“The long view: how will the global economic order change by 2050?” ranked 32 countries by their projected global gross domestic product by purchasing power parity (PPP), which is used by macro-economists to determine the productivity and standards of living during a time frame.
Surprisingly, Egypt came at 15, Saudi Arabia at 13 and Turkey at 11. Check out the rankings for biggest economies in 2050 below with a fixed US dollars values (for reference, the US’s current PPP is $18.562 trillion):
32. Netherlands — $1.496 trillion.
31. Colombia — $2.074 trillion.
30. Poland — $2.103 trillion.
29. Argentina — $2.365 trillion.
28. Australia — $2.564 trillion.
27. South Africa — $2.570 trillion.
26. Spain — $2.732 trillion.
25. Thailand — $2.782 trillion.
24. Malaysia — $2.815 trillion.
23. Bangladesh — $3.064 trillion.
22. Canada — $3.1 trillion.
21. Italy — $3.115 trillion.
20. Vietnam — $3.176 trillion.
19. Philippines — $3.334 trillion.
18. South Korea — $3.539 trillion.
17. Iran — $3.900 trillion.

16. Pakistan — $4.236 trillion.
15. Egypt — $4.333 trillion.

14. Nigeria — $4.348 trillion.
13. Saudi Arabia — $4.694 trillion.

12. France — $4.705 trillion.
11. Turkey — $5.184 trillion.

10. United Kingdom — $5.369 trillion.
9. Germany — $6.138 trillion.
8. Japan — $6.779 trillion.
7. Mexico — $6.863 trillion.
6. Russia — $7.131 trillion.
5. Brazil — $7.540 trillion.
4. Indonesia — $10.502 trillion.
3. United States — $34.102 trillion.
2. India — $44.128 trillion.
1. China — $58.499 trillion.
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