Dubai’s Population Could Double by 2027
According to a new study, Dubai’s population is due to increase by 1,000% in 40 years. But unlike other cities in the world, Dubai is not growing due to natural increase but immigration.
“The research project is focused on the growth of Dubai, which has seen a rapid transformation, with the population of non-nationals living in Dubai rising from 132,371 in 1975 to more than 2.1 million people 40 years later in 2015,” said Fayez Elessawy, a researcher at UAE University.
“The study also found that Dubai has one of the highest annual jump in population with a 6.5% growth rate from 2005 to 2015 when it reached 2.1 million. If the numbers remain that way, the population of Dubai will more than double by 2027, reaching around five million,” Elessawy added.