Clever Ideas to Make Your Camping Easier and Fun
Camping is a great way to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, it can be a lot of work, and without proper planning, can turn out to be a nightmare. Below, we share tips and ideas to help make your camping experience easier, fun, and better.
Pack like a Pro
Only pack the essentials to make the process easy. In order to ensure you don’t forget the important belongings, make a list of items and double-check. There are also other ways in which you can save space for efficient packing.

Turn a headlamp into a lantern
You don’t need to have the store-bought flashlights, many of them turn out to be too bright for a camping experience. You can make a convenient lantern using a headlamp and a translucent jug or gallon of water. Simply strap the headlight around the jug, pointing toward the water, and you will get an instant lantern with ambient light.
Hook and belt to hang camping tools
To keep your camping area organised and with ample space, you need to keep your camping tools in order. Wrap a belt around a tree and attach S-shaped hooks. You can use these hooks to hang your kitchen equipment and other tools.
Hire a camper-van
A campervan makes everything easier since camper-vans come equipped with various facilities for sleeping, bathroom, and kitchen. It’s a great way to enjoy camping without pitching tents and all the other processes involved. You can hire campervan Melbourneto enjoy the convenience, comfort, and flexibility that campervans offer.
Carry an emergency kit
Emergencies are inevitable, and anything can occur on the go therefore, it’s always advisable to have an emergency kit at all times. Make sure to include remedies for common ailments ad pain relievers and don’t forget the mosquito repellent and bug sprays.
Don’t forget the fire starters
Campfires can be hard to start, especially when the firewood is damp. Bringing homemade fire starters can make the fire starting process easier.

Protect the TP
Toilet paper can easily get wet, deeming it useless. An old coffee can, however, can do the magic of keeping your toilet paper dry. To repurpose the coffee jar, put it inside and cut a slit in which the toilet paper can pass through and close the jar with a lid.
Prep your breakfast
Save yourself the hassle of preparing some meal by prepping them at home. For instance, you can make a pancake mix and store in frosting bags. While making breakfast, you should snip and dispense the batter. You can also crack your eggs in a mason jar, and you’ll never have to worry about the eggs breaking.
Create a portable hand washing machine
Camping is full of activities where you can easily pick up germs. To create a portable hand washing machine, use a laundry detergent dispenser and fill it with water.