Ana Tarablos: This Video Will Make You Stop Taking Tripoli for Granted


These videos about Lebanon’s second largest city Tripoli keep getting better each time. So here’s what’s what: Tarablos Hayat, an organization whose aim is to promote culture and tourism in Tripoli, just presented a video written and directed by Nader Moussally, a talented fellow known and revered by the artistic lot in Tripoli, and it’s called “Ana Tarablos.” 


The beautiful narration, spoken as if Tripoli were a mother herself, depicts the loving character and many marvels of the city. But like every mother who selflessly gives and ages in the process, so does Tripoli. Soon it was neglected by its inhabitants. However, Tripoli continues to prove its greatness to the world. It’s one of those cities that has so much history and so many new found talents that it deserves to be cherished for the old and the new. Wlek eh!



WE SAID THIS: You should also read 17 Reasons You Should Drop Everything and Travel to Tripoli Right Now.

