Egypt’s Sindbad Park Gets Demolished and All ’80s and ’90s Kids Are Crying in Unison

Every Egyptian ’80s and ’90s kid has been obsessed with Sindbad amusement park at one point in their life. It was the coolest hangout spot, the highest adrenaline rush you’ll ever get and it was an affordable outing — even back in the days.
Some of Egypt’s most iconic movies actually shot their scenes in Sindbad. It was a big part of our childhood, whether it’s the ghorbal, beet elro3b or that huge slide that never seemed to work.

Last year it was reported that Sindbad park, located in El Nozha El Gedida, is going to shut down following the owner’s death in 2016. The place that used to be colorful and vibrant turned into a ghost town. Rumor has it that the park will be replaced by residential towers; others claim Sindbad will simply be relocated. Just this week photos surfaced on social media of our favorite park getting demolished and it broke our hearts.
Check out the very, very sad pictures below: