Twitter Trending Topic #عايش_فمصر_ليه Evokes the Most Hilarious Responses

In a country like Egypt, the question whether you should stay or go perpetually tugs at you. There’s no escaping it. It’s not the easiest thing to just uproot yourself, pack your things and start from scratch somewhere else, without many of your beloved family and friends, leaving everything that’s familiar to you behind.


On the other hand, the worsening political, economic and social atmospheres are having a lot of us choose jumping into a frying pan instead of staying in the fire. Last night at the Twitterverse, a lot of Egyptians were asking themselves why are they living here under the hashtag #عايش_فمصر_ليه and the responses were, in usual Egyptian humor fashion, sarcastically hilarious.



Some just found themselves here


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Some don’t know what they can possibly do to leave


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While some will do almost anything to leave 


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Some are just a tad masochistic


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Some got philosophical



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Some stay for family ties

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And some have already run for their lives


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WE SAID THIS: Ento ba2a 3aysheen fe Masr leh?

