Why Summer Is the Most Exciting Season of the Year

Summer is definitely the most exciting season of the year, and for most of us it’s still about to start. But what is it about summer that makes it so special?

Apart from school break, there is something definitely exciting about summer that you can just feel in the air…



It’s the colors, the craziness, the adrenaline, the memories and the long, seemingly never-ending summer nights.





It’s how summer just gives you that extra boost of courage – the courage to go all crazy and finally do that one thing you’re so scared of.





It’s about traveling alone for the first time, exploring new cities and getting to know new amazing people.





It’s about going bungee jumping and trying new food. Talking to absolute strangers because why not? Finally wearing that outfit you got a while ago but never had the confidence to actually wear.





It’s the time to break up with your bed and stay up to watch the sunrise by the beach.





And while you spent the last three months before summer working on your “formet el sa7el”, when you finally make it, you wouldn’t say no to any ice cream coming your way.





It’s the only time you’ll actually not have time to even look at your phone – that’s if you still even remember to charge it.





It’s the time for practically permanent tan lines.





And for those who work and don’t actually get enough freedom, it’s about the traffic that gets lighter and those weekends dedicated to traveling.





No matter what your age is or what you do in life, summer will always mean something to you.





WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Summer Camps for Kids in Cairo.
