How to Be a Dedicated Yogi in 6 Ridiculously Easy Steps

Apart from the fact that yoga as a sport has such amazing physical and psychological benefits, it is worth mentioning that it is extremely a hard one to practice. Though yoga could be a self practiced sport, it is dangerous to be practiced unsupervised especially for beginners. And since yoga has been a going trend in Egypt recently, it is worth noticing that the number of studios offering yoga classes, surely don’t accommodate for the number of Egyptians claiming to practice it. That being said, we are pleased to provide a concise guide to the – online – modern Egyptian yogi:

1. Always dress in colorful baggy tees and pants and hobo dresses and skirts – only if you are a girl of course – and always make sure to have at least 2 wrist bracelets. If asked make sure to replay that these bracelets mark your commitment to your self-searching journey, that will surely make you sound deep.
2. Once a week update your Facebook status or tweet something like “The definition of ultimate relaxation is a yoga session under the stars” or “Om Shanti.. all my fellow yogis all over the place” – I am sure you got the idea.

3. Adopt “all the same” attitude as an unattached, in peace, avid yogi like you is all about. That laid-back attitude should be about life in general, current events, latest trends and of course don’t throw a tantrum if your friends decided to meet somewhere different than your usual hang out spot. That kind of attitude shows you actually care, opposed to what you are trying to prove.

4. If you can afford to, quit your day job and choose to spend your new found spare time between yoga retreats and morning practices on the Nile and night chanting circles.
(NB: Don’t attempt to try this unless you’re sure your parents are willing to pay for your internet, so you can update your Facebook status after your practice (see point no. 2).

5. Change your profile picture to either a deep cosmic question/quote, or a picture of you practicing on the beach or somewhere open, where obviously you weren’t paying attention as the picture was being taken. (Sawarni we ana mesh wakhed bali style).
6. When asked about your opinion, no matter how irrelevant it is, answer with something like “Which do you prefer tea or coffee?” – Talk in corny clichés and Buddha–like quotes or you can have them printed on your baggy t-shirts or use them to update your face book status (again see point no. 2).


WE SAID THIS: If you’re just one to follow the trends, you’ll be a Yogi in no time with these 6 steps!
