Mohamed Ramadan’s ‘Mafia’ Views and Organic Reach Surpass Bushra’s ‘Kobra’
See this is what happens when you go head-to-head with the lord of organic reach. Two weeks ago, actress/singer/producer Bushra released a music video, Kobra, throwing shade at Egyptian box office king Mohamed Ramadan. While I am totally against Ramadan’s egocentric content, I was equally surprised by Bushra’s direct jab at the fellow artist. The music video left Bushra under fire for multiple politically incorrect directorial decisions, like casting a sedated animal and using a black face mask which was deemed racist.
Ramadan surprisingly seemed cool about the whole thing; more like indifferent, and the only comment he made was basically publicizing his upcoming music video ‘Mafia’.

But today let’s talk about their digital content’s organic reach. Bushra released ‘
The same goes for the Instagram teasers, Bushra -2.5 million followers- got 44k views, while Ramadan -6.5 million followers- got 644k views.
Ramadan’s Youtube game has been strong and completely destroyed any chances of a re-battle. Ramadan got 5.5 million views in 1 day, while Bushra got 5.6 million in a whole week.

It goes without saying high social media viewership doesn’t necessarily mean positive reviews. The most viral pieces of news are usually negative scandals. Yet, I believe in the power of memes. And when the Internet turns you into a meme that is in your favor, then you won the so-called diss battle.
Ramadan’s ego might get on all of our nerves, but the truth is the guy’s popularity is off the charts. His fans are almost