This British Charity Saves the Lives of Thousands of Animals in Luxor


Animal cruelty is a serious matter in Egypt; someone poorly treating a donkey on the streets is a common sight that isn’t supposed to be something we are accustomed to!

A major overhaul on how people treat stray animals is needed; educating our citizens in smaller cities or communities is more important than our populous capitals. The less educated people are, the worse the situation gets.


Despite all of that, places like Animal Care in Egypt (ACE) do exist! ACE is co-founded and run by Kim Taylor; a charity organization solely dedicated to helping stop the suffering of the poor animals in Luxor. Kim left her job, family, and entire life behind in England and moved to the ancient city of Luxor and founded ACE with her aunt, Julie Wartenberg. For someone who spent her youth working in stables, animal welfare wasn’t a surprising interest to leave everything behind for.

For the past 18 years, ACE was striving to give the local animals what they needed the most by not just providing treatment and proper veterinary care, but also educating the people about it. In most cases, working animals were often overloaded, undernourished, and work non-stop during the day under the burning sun. That’s why educating owners, in particular, and raising their awareness is highly crucial due to their lack of knowledge and provisions.


The education programs aren’t limited to owners only, but local teachers put the effort into educating children as well. Learning that animals feel pain just like we do at such a young age will allow compassion to grow with them. Teachers don’t just pay visits to the schools, but students also go on field trips to the hospital and stables to see everything first-hand.


ACE has successfully helped more than 34,000 animals in 2017 only! The organization doesn’t just focus on helping working animals, but wild and domestic ones as well.

All thanks to a dedicated team of vets that save thousands of lives every day. ACE provides a walk-in clinic offering free treatment, a hospital for operations to take place in, as well as 25 stables for animals to rest and recover.
