This Sudanese Refugee Just Opened a Center to Empower Other Refugees in Egypt!
By Febronia Hanna
For refugees, Egypt can be an asylum or it might be a transit destination, and they count to more than 221,675 people from more than 60 countries registered by the UN. Most of them have fled wars and conflict zones in their home countries seeking shelter. Many end up jobless in Cairo’s slums suffering from the national labour laws and discrimination from Egyptians.
Alamin Abkar, a 34-year-old Sudanese guy and a father of three, started his own business in order to help refugees. He got funding from the Salesian Mission’s Sunrise Project and just launched his dream. Abkar is blind, but he decided he wouldn’t let his visual impairment stop him from leading an influential life.
He has a bachelor’s degree in education so he opened his own centre and called he called “Vision Centre”. It’s a social and human development centre that offers many courses; English language, computer and IT, human resources, human development and social psychology.
Abkar aims at is to assist refugees to cope with the market needs in their new society and decrease the amount of literacy amongst them.