21 GIFs That Perfectly Describe Life in Ramadan
We give you 20 memes to help you remember what this Holy month really feels like…
When it’s almost Fajr and you’re still eating

And then you have to go to work
Unless you’re a woman on her period

But if you’re fasting, just make sure you know what you’re saying
This is you at lunch break (if you work abroad)

And this…
And if you go to pick up groceries

And you would not hesitate to eat this

You’re just
And you have a meltdown like

When you think you heard the athan but no one else did
The last minutes of fasting are the longest minutes EVER

Dishes you don’t like freakin’ taste amazing
You’re full within the first couple of minutes but you MUST try everything

But then you realize
And you go into a food coma

But like an hour later you’re hungry again
And then the cycle goes on for a whole month

But then it’s over
Nevertheless, let’s welcome this holy month with open arms. It’s a kick in the head to make us appreciate and realize how blessed we truly are