15 People Who Should Go Straight To Hell


On a recent trip to Sahel, the SuperJet driver turned on the stereo and put on a song I really like. Then, out of nowhere, he decided to switch to the next song in the best part and, as a result, that guy climbed to the top of my list.

You know, the “people I think should go straight to hell” list. If you don’t have one already, here’s mine to get you started:



1. People who switch songs right in the middle of a song





2. The guy who puts a cone or tire in a parking spot so that they can make 10 LE off of you should you choose to park there


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3. Double parkers, especially the ones who keep their handbrakes up





4. Loud talkers in the movies




Buddy, just because you’re not interested in the movie doesn’t mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us!



5. People who spoil the endings of the book/movie you’re reading/watching






6. People who talk about politics in family and friends gatherings





7. People who analyze football matches 3al ahwa





8. Minimum charge imposers



I could understand this rule on the weekends, but why should I pay a minimum of 150 LE on a Tuesday, at 4:00 pm?



9.People who don’t knock


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Do the words “personal space” mean anything to you people?!



10. People who call you up to ask you for a favor when you haven’t heard from them in three years





11. Instagrammers who hashtag every single word


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12. Drivers who turned honking into a sport and a hobby


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Thank you for rendering me partially deaf.



13. People who switch on the lights/talk loudly while you’re asleep


Mujer intentando dormir



14. People who look at the pictures on your phone



The deepest circle of hell is reserved for these!



15. Naggers





WE SAID THIS: Check out “9 Depressing Things About Living in Cairo“.
