What Is Paleo?


When I first started writing about Paleo eating and consulted my sister about it, her first question was: Wait, what’s a Paleo?

Clearly not everyone has been versed in this topic, so I’ll give you a bit of a low-down before I delve head-first into this article.

Paleo is: no grains, no legumes, no refined sugar, no dairy.

Thanks for stopping by!

What? No really that’s all it is.

All right. First, many have done much better at explaining what pole is and a quick Google search will lead you everywhere from food blogs to bunk science to rants and raves. Second, I am not a nutritionist, and what works for me may not work for you so take everything I say with a grain of salt and do your own research before you take the Paleo plunge.

The word Paleo comes from Paleolithic, referring to Paleolithic man, hence the nickname, “the caveman diet.” In essence, you eat whole, real food that you could kill or pick. If it had a face, or could be eaten straight off the bush or tree, its Paleo.

While agriculture has certainly had its advantages, its disadvantages can be seen in our cancer-laden, waist-expanding population. We were not meant to eat donut after donut while sitting all day. We were meant to live off the land and move. Even our cattle are fed grain for God’s sake, changing the flavor of their meat and tanking their nutritional levels.


Preferably grass-fed, cage-free, free-range, wild-caught organic anything. Beef, lamb, game, poultry, fish, shellfish, bone broth and eggs. Also, anything green and leafy, vegetables and roots (white potatoes are a source of contention), fruits, seeds and nuts (in moderation as they do contain legume-like antinutrients). Cacao is technically a nut, so dark chocolate is ok, in moderation, and preferably soy and dairy free. A natural fat source like avocados, pure olive oil and butter (see dairy later.) Also, animal fats like tallow, schmaltz, duck fat and lard (haram!).



While natural sweeteners like honey and maple syrup are allowed, leveling out your insulin level is the key to maintain a healthy body. And we are constantly feeding on insulin-spiking carbs. Cancer cells thrive on glucose, so try not to help them along, please.


Obviously, right? Why would you want to eat toxins? However, you probably didn’t know that almost every living organism develops ways to defend itself from harm. Even food. Grains and legumes, and to some extent nuts, contain toxins like gluten, phytates and lectins to stop you from consuming too much by making you sick.

Gluten (found in grains) is an inflammatory toxin. It mimics certain proteins that cause autoimmune diseases. And it’s not just if you suffer from Celiac Disease. Go one week without grains then have a slice of toast. See how you feel, and come back and let me know.

Lectins, also found in grains and legumes, irritate the gut lining, stop the absorption of nutrients, and eventually destroy stomach villi.

And finally phytates, found in legumes and to a lesser extent nuts. As discussed somewhere up there, these are antinutrients, working to rob your body of essential nutrients. So why nuts and not legumes? Well, how many nuts do you plan to eat? Probably no more than a small handful. How many lentils would you eat? Or bowls of beans?


BUT HOW WILL I GET MY CALCIUM? Put down the pitchforks, ok? If dairy doesn’t cause you issues many Paleo eaters find high fat dairy (butter, ghee, cheese, cream) and fermented dairy (yogurt, buttermilk) is fine on their digestion. Preferably, from grass-fed cattle.

The problem with dairy is bi-fold. Lactose is the sugar found in dairy and for many, it is indigestible, causing stomach issues. Casein is a protein found in dairy that mimics the evil gluten, wreaking havoc on some people’s stomachs. For many, dairy has an inflammatory effect, causing sinus congestion and gut inflammation. Think about it, we’re the only other creature on earth drinking milk from another animal past the age of two. 

Where can you get calcium from if not from dairy. You ask? Leafy greens, bone broth, bones themselves (eat your darn sardines!) and seafood have plenty of calcium.

Fake Fats
These are corn oil, margarine, safflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, etc. Forget everything you’ve ever been taught and read this. Yes, that’s right, saturated fat is good for you. It’s the carbs that are hurting your heart. Put down the fat-free scone and eat a coconut. Well maybe not a whole coconut. Anyway, when it comes to matters like food, trust nature not science. Most fats on supermarket shelves are man made, rancid or seed oils (like I said, seeds and nuts are ok in moderation, but concentrated oil might be troublesome if that’s all you’re using to cook). Read this and this, then decide for yourself.

You aren’t going to die if you eat moderate amounts of anything. However, it’s one thing plus another plus another all day every day that will do you in and desensitize you from feeling the ill effects of crappy food. But to be able to fight all these toxins on an occasional basis, your body needs to heal, to detox. It needs to have plenty of pure nutrition in the form of greens, vegetation, good fats and protein so that when you eat that bag of pretzels one day, you aren’t on the rampage for days later fighting off cravings.

The most important thing to take away is eating real food, put down the box mixes and packaged pseudo-food. Don’t buy anything that won’t go bad outside your fridge at some point. Eat a variety of colors, textures and tastes and let your body be your ultimate guide, not anyone or anything else.
