This Video Will Make You Rethink The Word ‘Terrorist’


Over the past few years we’ve been using one word over and over again: “terrorist”. Anyone who does anything against our beliefs or is not on our side instantly becomes labeled with that one word, “terrorist”.

But where did the word come from? Or who even deserves to be labeled as such?

The term terrorism is commonly defined as violent acts intended to create fear, perpetrated for a religious, political or ideological goal, and which deliberately targets or disregards the safety of civilians.

terrorist_o_660916If this is the common definition, then who do we choose to label as terrorists, and who isn’t? Wouldn’t some army troops or police officers be considered as such, too? How come they’re considered to be “just doing their jobs” while others are condemned, punished and labeled as “terrorists”?

Let’s not be mistaken, no one is the better party, and any party that resorts to violence is wrong and unacceptable.

For as long as I can remember, the word terrorist was given to Islamic parties that were considered to be violent in the name of their religion.

We’re used to hearing Islamic groups such as Al Qaeda or Boko Haram take credit for things such as 9/11, suicide bombings or any act of “terrorism”, that many of us never really questioned where these groups came from or how they were fueled.

Every time we hear of any act of violence, we find ourselves silently thinking, “I hope they’re not Muslim!”. I’m not all for conspiracy theories, but we’ve been brainwashed into believing that these acts are usually done by Muslims (not that we consider what they do Islamic in any way).

After watching this video, one realization came to mind: We really do give life to the word “terrorist”.  Every time we use it, every time we claim the acts of terrorism to be done by a certain party and believe what the media has been trying so hard to inflict upon Arabs and Muslims, we become part of the propaganda and put every woman wearing a headscarf or every man named Mohamed at risk.

Just look around you, it’s not so far away anymore; we’ve started to use the word and give life to it in our very own countries.

terroristWe suspect that anyone with a beard, wearing a galabeya or so much as prays in the mosque is out to destroy the world. We blame everything on the Muslim Brotherhood and name them terrorists, and whether they are or not is not the point.

The point is, we gave life to the word, not realizing the damage it has done and how it destroys any unity we used to have.

That’s what has happened to us living in Arab countries; imagine the dilemma and constant struggle of a Muslim living abroad.

If we’re starting to blame everything on the terrorists, then imagine what Muslims living abroad must be going through.

Watch the video below, and please, think twice before you give life to a word that will destroy our identity.




WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Why I’m Not Apologizing for ISIS.
