ElMowaten ElMasry Is Finally Back to Say What’s on Everyone’s Mind in 3 Minutes

I genuinely love ElMowaten ElMasry. More than two years ago, I wrote my third article about him and I remember laughing so hard while watching his videos that my jaws hurt. ElMowaten ElMasry is how this whole Facebook video frenzy started. This is the citizen who started it all and it was during the revolution’s most chaotic days that Alaa ElSheikh’s videos were most relevant. I’m not even sure if his identity is supposed to be a secret, so fingers crossed I did not just out him.

From trying to find a simple cup of orange juice to quinch his thirst to pleading the president to end the Egyptian military medical examination, the immature whinning mowaten was the bomb before anyone even had a Facebook account and he is back. This time our favorite struggling citizen tackles what is on everyone’s mind..money. You need to see what happens at the end, this is basically all of us in 2016 and I just love it.




WE SAID THIS: YAS! Our favorite citizen is back.

