This Is What ‘Arab Husband Material’ Means to Me

(Jake Melara/Unsplash)
(Jake Melara/Unsplash)
(Jake Melara/Unsplash)


Husband material is something we joke about on a day to day basis while checking out guys (yes girls do that too). “Husband material” is thrown out there as a grade given to those who are seen as baby daddy material. But there’s a redefined meaning to actual qualifications for the men we choose to marry…


In today’s world, a husband needs to be more than what our mothers have set for us to find. Having a stable job and income no longer is enough. A husband is more than just a bank account, provider of food, and house to live in. An Arab husband needs to be able to see eye to eye on issues, help around the house, and not be an A typical macho man.


A man can’t expect dinner to be hot and ready the second he walks in then proceed to sit his ass on the couch after dinner as his wife slaves away doing the dishes. These days, husband material means a man is going to come home from work, sometimes before his wife, and get dinner started. It means he’s going to actively be cleaning around the house more and actually know how to operate the washing machine. Husband material means he’ll be a better father one day to a child, not just someone who plays around with the kids then hands them off when they need a diaper change or start crying.



WE SAID THIS: It means that he will care, he will take on the same roles and responsibilities as his wife and give more of a damn about the relationship and its future.

