A True Artificial Story



Have you ever dreamed of living in a farm like the one on the Kiri cheese pack? Or fantasized about how peaceful your life would have been if you were a Smurf? Definitely not for long, that would be hard!

Don’t you think a speech bubble with an exclamation mark that pops up whenever you are asked a stupid question would be handy? We could use that!

On the other hand, can you imagine how disastrous it would be if a thought bubble pops up whenever you think of a cynical remark that you are fighting to keep to yourself? Okay, now we take it all back.

This art of exaggeration is considered a universal comic device. In fact it is not exaggeration, it shows exactly how people feel, react and interact, but in easily identifiable visual depictions.

So we tried to enter this fantasy world with hair and makeup, which – besides being a challenge to resurrect pop art characters – brought out some repressed expressions that are hardly shown in real life.

A group of friends who happen to share a common passion for art in all its forms, each with a specialty, decided to take it a little bit further.




The collaboration happened between makeup artist Eman Arafa, whose dictionary lacks the word “cliché”, alongside photographer Daniel Salib, who has made the fictional so damn real.

Kriss Beauty Salons also played an essential role in the transformations and Style Treasure provided the newspaper blazer that added a special flavor to the shoot.

As for the models, the red-headed twins, AKA us, were just crazy enough to do it!

Some people might consider the idea a childish way of perceiving the world, but in fact, don’t we need to lose it a little?! We believe we have been caught up in this “adult” life for so long that we no longer embrace life’s absurdities.




What is so appealing about this so-called fictional or “artificial” world is that it is so clean, clear and beautiful, a world where telling the good from the evil is not a mathematical theory. A world where the mundane actually matters, because simply these chains of seemingly insignificant events pretty much shape our lives.

Imagine a life where you value ALL moments, so the special ones become extraordinary.

“Everything is beautiful. Pop is everything.” – Andy Warhol



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss #100DaysofMyDubai – Day Nine: Spending an Evening at thejamjar, My Own Version of The Factory.
