6 Misconceptions of Marrying a Doctor

One of the cruelest jokes of the universe is Grey’s Anatomy. The show deluded everyone into believing that doctors have intriguing lives, time for dramatic relationships and dazzling haircuts.

For the past 12 years, I have been surrounded by real-life doctors and, let me tell you, anyone familiar with the field would never intentionally marry one unless it’s a once-in-a-lifetime romance. In reality, professionals that take out physician loans don’t tend to associate with each other in a romantic sense.

We decided to break down the harsh truth when it comes to having a medical spouse in Egypt:



1. A limited household allowance



It is no surprise that doctors in Egypt suffer financially. Unless their parents own a clinic or they come from money, you will be tight on budget. If you are waiting for Kim Kardashian bling, sorry to tell you: The only ring you will be getting is a nightmare.



2. Consistent nagging


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If they are not complaining about the insane working hours, then it’s the ridiculous salary, trying to find a remedy for a case or how they got stuck with the wrong career. A doctor would diagnose this as a chronic complainer.



3. Their two BFFs are work and books



Their idea of a good time is studying, reading medical journals and, even worse, trying to get something published in them. If and when they actually party, you can tell by their hysterical behavior that they are fun deprived.



4. A practical stony-eyed partner


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Medical school is the real-life Medusa. You would think that a doctor is a compassionate humanitarian, but the tragedies they witness slowly turn their hearts into stone, because emotions get in the way if they face an emergency.

If you are still targeting a doctor spouse, check out college students, they are less tarnished and robotic.



5. An entourage of nerds or egotistic maniacs


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A doctor has two sets of friends: the nerds who look up to their seniors and talk about nothing but medical inventions and the egomaniacs who have sticks up their asses, believing they are God-sent saviors. If you are fine with such crowds, you have no one to blame but yourself.



6. Beware the midlife crisis


It is only natural that when you spend half your twenties in front of books, you will have hormonal and psychological repression.



All jokes aside, it is always good to have a doctor in the family!



WE SAID THIS: Check out 18 Signs You’re A Struggling Egyptian Doctor!
