Just the Facts: 5 Things You Need to Know about Egypt’s Coal Debate

Burning coal is one of the most harmful practices to people’s health and environment, yet in April, Egypt’s government approved using coal as a source of energy in the industrial sector, especially cement factories, in efforts to meet a natural gas shortage.


Burning coal is expected to cause health problems for Egyptians after 30 years


Coal, which is considered the world’s dirtiest fuel, is contributing to the climate change issue. Minister of Environment Laila Iskandar has warned from burning it, noting that it will affect Egyptians’ health.


The government is considering imposing a tax on coal usage


Creating an incentive to reduce harmful emissions, the government has decided to levy a carbon tax on coal usage; however, it is still awaiting the finalization of environmental standards for coal.


The criteria for using coal has not yet been announced


A commission of the ministries of environment, industry, transport, petroleum, electricity and finance was scheduled to announce the environmental criteria for coal usage by the end of May; however, the standards still haven’t been announced.


A cement company has tested the use of coal


In May, the Arabian Cement Company has commenced testing the use of coal to generate power, instead of using natural gas.


The estimated cost of one factory for coal usage is LE 140 million


According to the South Valley Cement Company (SVCC), a total amount of LE 140 million is needed to use coal. Costs of coal usage include importing, shipping and transporting it to factories and plants.


WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 5 Harsh Realities You Need to Know about the State of the Earth and check out the No Coal Egypt campaign on Facebook.
