Worldwide Outcry and UN Meeting Follow Devastating Rafah Attack

A horror show, a massacre, and another bead of tragedy along Gaza’s extended string of suffering took place at what was supposed to be a “safe zone” in Rafah on Sunday. Israeli air strikes killed at least 45 at a tented area for displaced people in Rafah, leaving the world once again in shock. What followed was a string of many occurrences:

The Wave Of International Condemnation

When the world saw the effect of the air strikes, the massive fire it ignited, and the horrific images of charred and dismembered children, an outcry from global leaders and the public was ignited.

This is especially because of knowing that the airstrike came just two days after the ICJ ordered Israel to stop its operations in Rafah.

Pro-Palestinians took to social media to circulate and admonish the Rafah attack. Along with that, protests came to life in Egypt, Qatar, and other countries. Protests even took place all the way in Europe, with about 10,000 people taking part in a demonstration near the Israeli embassy in Paris.

The Calling Of Emergency UN Meeting

Admonishing the attack, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres posted on social media, saying, “There is no safe place in Gaza. This horror must stop.” Along with that, several diplomats said that the UN Security Council will meet Tuesday to discuss the attack.

There is also growing pressure on Joe Biden as some US politicians want him to halt military aid to Israel. Now, the world is watching for his reaction.

Prime Minister’s Netanyahu Reasoning

It was not just Biden who faced pressure. Seeing as how this was yet another devastating attack on the lives of Gazans, all eyes were on Prime Minister Netanyahu. He described the attack as a “tragic accident,” which he said the government is investigating.

He told parliament that the deaths of the civilians occurred “despite our best efforts” to protect them.

Seeing how these killings and attacks continue, the world will continue to speak up and place pressure on the prime minister and global countries to take action to end the ongoing atrocities in Gaza.

WE SAID THIS: Don’t Miss…Burning Tensions: Gaza Struggles As Israeli Airstrikes Escalate Despite ICJ Ruling
