Vulnerability in the Middle East: A Stigma Held Against Men

One of the qualities of being human is vulnerability. This is our nature, and we all have complicated feelings and emotions that influence our mentality and how we approach life. Being aware of and accepting our emotions is an important element of self-awareness. It’s a process that takes time and can’t be completed in a few days. When you’re linked to your feelings, you become aware of your own mental health and the triggers that either make you happy or sad. But isn’t becoming vulnerable a component of this emotional connection?

Vulnerability is defined as the willingness to share one’s thoughts and feelings with others while letting go of all the limits and labels that society places on us. This is owed to the stigma associated with mental illness, particularly among men. Toxic masculinity affects males greatly since it is a plague that influences many guys and leads to various mental problems.

Men who communicate their emotions and thoughts are viewed as ‘weak’ and ‘vulnerable,’ which is ludicrous. The public’s perception of those two words is absolutely false. This is because ‘vulnerability’ is not, by any means, an indication of weakness. Being vulnerable, on the other hand, allows us to be our true selves rather than striving to please others. We also develop empathy when we are vulnerable. We can break down our barriers, making it simpler to comprehend and share our sentiments, and encourage others to do the same. As a result, we become more empathetic, willing to forgive others, and eager to love others. When we embrace who we genuinely are and what we are feeling, it is a courageous act because we become more resilient and bold.

Men should not be pressured or stigmatized for being vulnerable since they have every right to voice their views and allow others to understand them. But don’t be fooled by words; only the people we care about are significant and trustworthy enough to understand us and support us in our darkest moments.

As long as we continue to unconsciously restrict and intimidate men from expressing their emotions, this ideology will never depart the Arab world. This harms them and increases the chances of drug addiction and suicide in men.

Our parents instilled in us the idea that men should be powerful and emotionless from a young age. Nonetheless, this is a major fallacy that we as a culture must dispel. We must accept and provide room for both men and women to express themselves while understanding that vulnerability is a natural aspect of being human and that it is perfectly acceptable to let out all of the rage, frustration, and dark ideas that we often harbor.

By no means is mental health a laughingstock; it is a crucial element of our life. Our mental health is a major factor that influences how we live our lives. As a result, opening up and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable in front of those we love and trust is an important component of healing and sustaining a mentally healthy lifestyle.

Vulnerability is a necessary aspect of life, and rather than fighting it, we should accept it, knowing that it will enrich our lives in the long run. There are various situations in which you must be vulnerable, such as saying “I love you” to someone you care about, but does this imply that you are weak? Certainly not! It demonstrates how much compassion and love you have within of you, as well as your courage in expressing it to the other person without considering the consequences. Trying anything new for the first time is also considered risky because it entails lowering one’s guard and allowing oneself to be vulnerable to failure and pain. Isn’t this, after all, what life is all about? Being vulnerable is, if anything, the most honest and beautiful thing a person can do. An indication that all will work out in the end.

WE SAID THIS: Don’t forget…Toxic Masculinity: A Couple Of Reasons Why Men Are Also Oppressed
