This Muslim Woman is Bringing the First Female-Only Martial Arts Club to the UK
After converting to Islam in 2009, Khadijah Safari didn’t want to train in a mixed-sex gym anymore so she decided to take the path of becoming the founder of the UK’s first female-only martial arts club, Safari Kickboxing. Khadijah simply wanted to set up a class where Muslim women can train without wearing their hijab. According to Independent, Khadijah’s aim was to show how Muslim women are capable of being powerful and athletic without being held back by cultural stereotypes.
Safari Kickboxing came to life to create a safe environment for both Muslim and non-Muslim women to come together and learn how to defend themselves, as well as stay fit. Many people around the world perceive Muslim women as if they’re a whole other species, but the classes allow non-Muslim women to integrate with Muslim women, helping find common ground and a new level of understanding. It’s truly beautiful to be part of such an amazing experience!

Today, Safari Kickboxing has reached more than 3,000 people and currently has nine different locations in the south-east only, with plans to go nationwide. Nothing can stop this amazing woman.