The Power of Compliments: 4 Ways You Can Use This Underrated Skill
Throughout our days, we are often too busy staying late for work, doing home errands, and basically trying to keep track of everything happening around us, which can sometimes take a toll on us. And that’s when compliments come into play, with people serving up genuine compliments, taking us into a safer territory, where the only sweet talk and genuine smiles are allowed. Receiving a compliment means someone deemed something in you, that they saw is worthy of praise. And who wouldn’t love hearing some flattering words? Besides those who find giving compliments (and receiving them obviously) as awkward and unnecessary, there surely are many who give a compliment or two every once in a while. But are we even aware of the power compliments hold? If we were, we probably have been using it more often.. trust me!
It’s scientifically proven that there’s a valid and strong linkage between receiving compliments and higher levels of happiness, satisfaction, and general improvement in overall performance. And since our world is pretty tough and we’re searching for happiness like looking for a needle in a haystack, why not talk more about the power of compliments, encouraging a culture that uses them as their chosen weapon to brighten our worlds and minds in all the right places? So without further ado, here are four ways we can use the underrated weapon of compliments giving our soul the nourishment it deserves and ensure that our delivery matches our intent!
Fixate on personality traits rather than physical appearance

We can’t deny that someone praising your choice of accessories and your new hair dye is sweet and all. But if you are to give a thoughtful comment, we suggest you go for complementing a personal attribute. Things like “I like the way you passionately talk about things you love” or “Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it” would literally have the power to turn someone’s day around. And with all the attention revolving around the way we look and dress, it would be nice to know that someone sees that your inside is worth just as much.
Pick your timings
You know the common saying “it’s always a good time to say something nice”? Well, it’s quite true, only that we have to wisely curate the kind of “nice” words we choose to say, or else it wouldn’t be perceived as a very good compliment. For example, if a colleague is giving out a speech or pitching an idea in a huge assembly, here the main focus would be their performance and capability of delivering a message. So, telling them they were humorous throughout the meeting or “I like your pantsuits” following the meeting, would be more of a “You’re not smart enough, so I had to compliment something else irrelevant” That’s why timing is a crucial element you need to take care of so that your compliment doesn’t turn “unintentionally” into a critique.
Emphasize their impact on your personal growth

Notice that one of the most important aspects is that giving a compliment to someone is more about them, not you. So, a flattering remark should reflect something that is important and valuable for the one receiving the compliment. And as it differs from one person to another, a common thing the majority of people value, is how they impact the worlds of those they love. Thus, telling someone that they boost your confidence, or a time when they gave you certain advice that helped you get past a hard time, would definitely ignite their world as well.
Be sincere and down to earh, not hyperbolic
We get that you really want to emphasize and shed light on a beautiful attribute your friend holds. But exaggerating with your use of words wouldn’t deliver the message the way you think, but would only cheapen the genuine gesture, making it hard to believe. Simplicity is key, and giving compliments that are simple and spontaneous will help make the flattering remark take a faster route to the person’s heart because it will be more believable and realistic.