The Emotional Stages You Go Through After Losing Your Virginity

Ahhh the glorious times, you finally lost it! That thing you’ve been holding onto for years, some glorify you for your virginity and others shame you for still being a virgin, but at last it’s all irrelevant because you went all the way! It’s a great feeling whether you waited till marriage, the right one, or waited for yourself to be ready; you have now entered a new chapter in your life that has awakened a part of you that you never knew existed. But here’s the thing, with sex and virginity being a taboo in our Arab society because people want to bar all discussion of it, we’re going to give you the heads up on what to expect after losing your V card emotionally.
It’s that “ah ha…OMG….YASSSS.” Words won’t do it justice because the feeling of having sex for the first time (with someone you trust and like to some extent) is an incredibly blissful feeling. The sky is blue, birds are chirping, you’re walking on clouds, and there’s f*cking rainbows and unicorns everywhere. Yeah, that’s how it feels! To put it in a more realistic perspective: you know that worthless co-worker you have that makes you want to jump out of the window? Nothing he says can irritate you because sex has put you high up on cloud nine.
Once things start settling in you go into a state of shock. You were a virgin your whole life. Virginity is all you knew. It’s like you went to bed feeling like Nancy circa ‘sheikh el shabab’ then woke up Haifa circa ‘Bous el wa wa.’ You’re a new person now and you don’t know what to do or how to act. Do you cut your hair? Get a piecing? Are you vegan now? WHO ARE AM I YOU ME IT SHE! Yes, do expect to freak out while attempting to accept the new reality you live in…
Self Discovery
There comes a point where you manage to make it over all the curve balls this new experience throws your way, and you get to some sort of sense of relief. This is when you truly begin to embark on a journey where you discover this new part of you that you didn’t know existed; you begin to understand your sexuality. Through your sexuality, you learn not only what you like in bed, but you learn who you are in the grand scheme of it all. You teach yourself along the way not to settle for dissatisfaction and how to give and take in a relationship. This form of self discovery and understanding things inside the bedroom becomes part of who you are in and out of the bedroom.
WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss out on Why I Didn’t Wait for ‘The One’ to Lose My Virginity.