Tameem Youness and NEOBYRD Redefine #BFFGoals with This Video

Via Tameem Youness


So we’ve been a little bit miserable this month. Valentine’s Day always meant chocolate when it came to our single AF status, but guess what? Chocolate now is too expensive in Egypt and seems very out of our reach. We needed something to take our mind off of the glittery festivities, red teddies and roses and thank God for this couple that made it all possible.


Via Neobyrd


Lots of Valentine’s Day videos were trending on social media, but most of them were  mocking our need for endless love. But actually though, you guys, why can’t you just let us be love fools for just three seconds? One video that hilariously stood out was by electronic musician and producer, Wael Alaa, also known as NEOBYRD along with hilarious man/YouTuber, Tameem Youness.



They gave us serious #BFFGoals and #ItsOkayToBeSingleGoals and we just love it. This is hands down the funniest thing on the Internet this week. Watch the funny boys below:




WE SAID THIS: Alf shokar ya welad! <3

