I Accept the Fact That I’m Not on Social Media and So Should You



“You don’t have Instagram? Like, how? What do you do all day?” I walk around all day like a zombie, obviously. I mean, what purpose could my life have when I don’t have Instagram or Snapchat? When people find out that you  don’t use social media, they pretty much look at you like you’ve suddenly grown another head, or worse they’ll pretend and tell me “it’s okay” and that “it’s not for everybody,” then smile and nod their heads as if I’m a child asking for candy before dinner. I mean, thanks. I know it is, but do you? As hard as it is to believe, some people don’t really like social media that much and don’t feel the need to inform everybody of what they’re doing every minute of every day.


I get that it’s horrifying to think that I can go to a restaurant, eat and not just to take a picture to get 88 likes on my Instagram. When I go out with my friends I actually like to spend time with my friends and not spend most of the time taking 999 selfies, and then spending the rest of the evening deciding which filter to use. I know what kind of life am I actually leading, one where my phone is not an extra limb. I’m not a slave to my phone battery that dies every 20 minutes. I refuse to spend the entire day attached to a wall so I could use my phone for five minutes to repeat the cycle.


I understand the intrigue of social media. I do! I swear! Like, what other way could I find out that my mom’s third cousin’s ex-husband is doing. As hard as it sounds, some people choose to pass on that excitement and lead a quieter and less dramatic life, and YOU have to respect that!



WE SAID THIS: I don’t need you to save me from the boredom that is my life, I have accepted my fate and so should you.



