Sama El Masri Raising Awareness on the Coronavirus is all the Viral Content You Need for Today!

In our third week of fighting coronavirus, people are actively engaging in a lot of awareness campaigns to encourage others to change their lifestyles and help in the fight against the pandemic. One of the social media icons of the Arab world, Sama el Masri, took it to the streets to try to raise awareness on the Coronavirus and ask people to keep their hands clean and sanitized.

Sama didn’t only enlighten and encourage the people she met on the streets, but her video went on to garner tens of thousands of views in less than one day. In addition to personally spraying sanitizers to people’s hands, she glued a number of bottles with sanitizers to poles in the streets for others to use. Let’s remember that any action, no matter how small it is, it’ll contribute to the bigger picture, and help the fight against the pandemic.

WE SAID THIS: Not all heroes wear capes!
