All the Reasons Why You Should Follow ‘El Negm’ Tamer Hagras on Instagram
Tamer Hagras is known for one thing and one thing only: his amazing tan and acting capabilities. It’s like he’s super human and the sun just follows him everywhere he goes along with a camera!
The skillful chameleon is of course on Instagram and here are all the reasons why you should follow el negm:
1. First and foremost, Mr. Tamer is Zeee Action star of the century, as you can see by this fine specimen here:
- Watch out world here I come
2. When he’s not running through the streets of Egypt fighting all the bad guys, he’s actually a beach ballerina:

3. When he isn’t working on his ballet talents, he’s playing volleyball. This may not be your everyday volleyball stance, but it’s Tamer’s special pose:
4. If he weren’t Egyptian, Tamer would like you to know that he could’ve been Caesar in a past life, isn’t he pretty? Bravo. No really, chapeau!

5. Tamer really likes the beach and taking off his clothes – as seen here. His pictures are always precisely caught at the right “flexing” moment 😉
6. When he’s not being caught having long walks on the beach with his Seb7a, he can be found eating alone casually in restaurants, cuz you know that’s how he rolls – all humble and sheee’t.
We know for a fact he actually is super humble!

7. One of his most attractive and charming features is how pious he is, shown in Exhibit A. Galabeya party anyone?

8. But most importantly HE IS IN FACT THE GRINCH WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS – in Gouna!

WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss all the reasons to follow Fifi Abdou on Instagram!