Ras Ghareb Citizens Kick Reham Saeed Out of Town While Covering Floods Aftermath


This is a very good morning for all of us. Reham Saeed’s actions over the past few years have been disgraceful to say the least. Karma has been biting the Egyptian TV host in the head lately, and with every bite, the world already feels like a better place. Citizens of Ras Ghareb have been hit with unprecedented heavy rains that reached 120 million cubic meters and caused flash floods this past week – that resulted in the death of nine according to the Health and Population Ministry.


Social media users have been enraged by the slow government response. Along came Reham Saeed on a truck to once again get the most publicity and viewership out of people’s ordeals.




The suffering citizens soon came to Ras Ghareb’s rescue and refused to even allow Reham Saeed leave the truck she arrived in. The footage shows an angry Saeed, trying to use logic with the protestors, yet, thankfully her attempt was useless. Check the full video below:




WE SAID THIS: Karma is not your side, Miss Reham.

