Ramez Galal Body Shames Fifi Abdou in First Episode of His Infamous Prank Show

It’s 2019 and public figures still think it’s funny to make fun of someone’s figure on TV. Infamous prankster, Ramez galal, is back in Ramadan 2019 with another staged prank show Ramez Fel Shalal. The show starts with a celebrity in Bali who thinks he is shooting an ad for a juice brand. The first episode’s star is our beloved foffa.

Egypt’s favorite belly dancer/actress, Fifi Abdou, is always our favorite celebrity guest at Ramez’s shows but this year he went out of line. Galal repeatedly made fun of her figure and weight. Now, we’re sure nothing goes on air without the celebrity’s concent, however the whole country has been working to end bullying and body shaming. This show is already trending on Youtube with millions of views all over social media platforms. Other than trying to give his friends a heart attack, what kind of message is Galal sending to his fans? That calling a round woman a Shewal or pregnant is funny?

Ignorance at it’s best. Fifi however was a gem as usual. We can watch saying or doing anything all day long and be entertained.

Epic redundant failure, Ramez!

WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Your Ultimate Schedule For Ramadan 2019 TV Shows
