Ramadan Means a Mohammed Amien Rady Mosalsal and We Miss Him This Year

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For the past three years, I’ve been addicted to certain types of mosalsalat and it took me quite some time to understand why. It was the insane script writing that kept me on the edge of my seat, the plot twists that agonized my brain for months and they were all written by Mohammed Amien Rady.


It was devastating when I heard El-Ahd’s second season was nowhere on the horizon yet we had high hopes for the Afra7 El-Obba TV show since he was the script writer, that is until for some unknown reason he quit the show. Honestly, it is the main reason I decided to watch the show. Just to get a glimpse of my favorite scripts in the few episodes he wrote.


Fans are literally harassing him on Twitter, asking for his new show because their lives are incomplete, trying to get the deets about the reasons he quit, and as usual he is hilariously killing it on social media. FYI, episodes with no script writer credits at the end of the episode are our favorite man’s work.



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WE SAID THIS: We refuse to survive another Ramadan without a show that is LIFE!

