Porn With Heart: Come4.Org


So it seems that these guys found a “sexually inspired” solution for funding causes, or at least trying to make it work! Come4.Org, is a not-for-profit, “ethically-inspired” pornography website that invests any revenues generated to charitable causes, giving a new meaning to the phrase “wank bank”.

Their mission states: “We believe the time has come to critically rethink the relationship between the Internet and sexuality: its global impact, role, form and scope. Thus we’ve created as a platform where pornography can be used to generate aid for ethical causes in a completely transparent format.”

That is a pretty transparent format if you ask us! So here you have it, porn, aid and causes what more could you want? If you want to join this “sexual revolution”, feel free to start contributing. Another good thing about it is that it is a good looking porn site too, no seroiusly seems promising 😛

WE SAID THIS: Hey at least they’re banking on the $100 Billion Industry to try to turn some of it into great cause. Porn is gonna be there with or without them, so why not make use of it, Bravo…
