Palestinian Rights Front and Center at Chicago Democratic National Convention

Masses and masses of pro-Palestinians are gathering together at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The group is known as the “Delegates Against Genocide,” and they are coming together for one sole purpose: to pressure the party to put an end to the ongoing Gaza genocide as well as push for an Israel arms embargo.

What Exactly Is The Four-Day Democratic National Convention?

Kicking off today and running through Thursday, the 2024 Democratic National Convention is taking over Chicago. This quadrennial gathering of the U.S. Democratic Party is focused on delegates selecting the party’s presidential and vice-presidential nominees, with Vice President Kamala Harris expected to be nominated for President.

The four-day event will mainly feature high-profile speeches, official party business, and meetings.

How Does The Pro-Palestinian Delegation Come Into The Picture?

For the next four days, pro-Palestinian delegates will gather at the Convention with plans to push for changes to the Democratic platform and to advocate for an arms embargo. Participants are encouraged to wear keffiyehs and scarves, carry Palestinian flags, and speak up on the convention floor.

One of the group’s main demands is to support enforcing laws that ban military aid to those who commit serious human rights violations.

What About The Two Potential Presidential Candidates?

During the Convention, Biden plans to give his speech on Monday, while Harris plans to speak on Thursday.

So far, pro-Palestinian activists say Harris has been more sympathetic to Gazans than Biden has been. Recently, Harris said, “We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent,” even though she also said that Israel has a right to defend itself.

However, Biden is out of the presidential race, and regarding his stance on Palestine, he has been participating in mediating a truce deal and ceasefire.

Over the upcoming four days, we’ll see what the impact of the pro-Palestinian gathering will be. What is known is that they want the convention to go smoothly, but they also want to be heard.

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