Ok So We’ve Had a Revolution….Now What?


From mass protests to gun shots in our streets, moving onto  a stepping down speech followed by ever changing cabinets; love it or hate it, the January 25th  revolution had one thing in common for all of us, it took us all out of our comfort zones. Mubarak stepping down was just the beginning. I think it’s safe to say that life has changed for everyone, in a way or another, since January 25th 2011.

Major ex-government figures are locked up, the man we have been used to seeing heading front pages every morning is behind bars, facebook has become a political warzone, companies downsized, salaries were cut, repercussions  of the old regime’s wrongdoings are surfacing all at once, we can go on and on about how life is different now than it was before the revolution. But that would be kind of useless, yeah?

What happened has happened and there’s no going back on that. The question is ‘’what now?’’ At this point….we have two choices 1) To keep complaining about how different life is and how this revolution came with a flood of byproducts that made life harder (The default option for a lot of people)  or  2)Go with the flow, be flexible, be in the present moment and figure out how you can make the best out of it (Easier said than done, but healthier and more rewarding on the long run).

As challenging as everything seems now, the current circumstances act as a perfect chance for us to tap into our creative potential and think. It’s a chance to create, pursue and manifest whatever needs to be done to accommodate the current changes. Maybe it’s changing your job, maybe it’s doing your job with more heart , maybe it’s a career shift, maybe it’s a long trip abroad, maybe it’s a change of attitude, maybe it’s taking your passion seriously and pursuing it as a career…

Whatever it is, each of us have their own thing that can be done to help us accommodate to the change. And this’’ thing’’ can be nothing but healthy. Because change happens when we need it (need it, not welcome it), when life becomes stagnant, when we stop learning and growing…then it’s time for change.

Bottom line, make the best out of what you have. And if you want, take it a step further and utilize it for your own benefit. Be flexible and embrace the change.

As Ralph Marston simply puts it :’’ When you embrace change, you get it working in your favor.’’
