A Motivational Note On Happiness, Relationships And All That Crap


Happiness: the one thing we all want but don’t know how to get.

In Egypt and the Middle East, happiness is always associated with your marital status. If you are single, then by default people will assume that you are unhappy, while if you are married, engaged or in a relationship, people will jump to the conclusion that you are the happiest person on this damn earth.

Well people, here’s something not so new: Happiness isn’t all about if you are single or partnered. Its not about having someone to share a life with.

I’ve been around for a while now and have heard so many stories from both single and non-single, female and male friends. My conclusion is simple: Life sucks and we have to deal with it.

Our time on this planet is not always rainbows and butterflies and it’s not always monsters and scary creatures. Life is ups and downs. This is how God created it and how we all have to deal with it.

As for the happiness part, it’s on YOU and only you. Your happiness lies in no one’s hands but your own.

I won’t say “look at the half-full cup” and this crap because honestly, I don’t do this myself, but whatever you’re going through, ask yourself this:

“Is this the worst thing you’ve been through? Haven’t you had worse days? And you’re still around! So just (wo)man up. Be happy with what you have and even what you don’t have. One day you will get where you want as long as you truly believe and work hard for it. You will get there. Just have faith in yourself.”
