McDonald’s Reveals their French Fries Ingredients in this Video that Will Make You Cry


There are no French fries on this planet like the Mcdonald’s one. You dream of it, drool when your eyes fall on them, they are devoured faster than the speed of light and then you wake up from your fries-induced trance and feel guilty as hell. They are so damn addictive and it is the most dysfunctional and sadistic human/food relationship.

“Our food. Your questions” is a McDonald’s YouTube campaign where consumers get to ask about their concerns and misconceptions surrounding the McDonald’s food quality, ingredients, the way its prepared and packaged, and they are provided with answers via video.

Myth busters host, Grant Imahara, takes viewers through the process in reverse, starting with the fries, all the way back to where it all started in a farm as a harvested potato. Regardless of the video’s transparency or if French Fries are extremely unhealthy and one of the worst things to do to your body, it is a joy to watch if you can’t eat them.
Watch the video below and see for yourself:

