Latest #ThisIsEgypt Video Is Exactly Why We Will Never Lose Faith in Our Country


The past few years have been nothing but one nightmare after the other for the country we refuse to lose faith in, Egypt. With the political turmoil, financial instability, economic crisis, an education system from hell and the painful drop in tourism, sometimes you just find yourself the only one in the room who has something positive to say about Egypt.


Then along comes another This is Egypt video that depicts everything we’ve ever loved about our home. Out of the whole series , this is hands down my favorite video. Not only is the timing impeccable with the all the daily negativity we’re exposed to, but the captions in the video are just spot on and are very big reminders why we’re proud of being Egyptians.



WE SAID THIS: We love you Egypt and we will never lose faith in you. Check out the video made by JWT agency that will make you feel things. 
