Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan Top the World’s Fattest People


The world needs to give us Arabs a break, wallah. Isn’t it bad that we barely survived summer and the pressure it put on us to look fit? Gazette Review have released a survey that revealed the top 10 fattest countries in the world, and to our surprise (not really), six of them are in the Middle East and North Africa. Ya fede7etna!


With people sitting behind their desks most of the day, unable to move around in the steaming weather in anything but vehicles, and of course, let’s not forget the access to affordable junk food and soda. It was just bound to happen. This year over 40% of the world’s adult population is considered obese.



#10 United States – 31.8%





#9 Mexico – 32.8%





#8 Qatar – 33.1%





#7 South Africa – 33.5%





#6 United Arab Emirates – 33.7%


(Friday Magazine)
(Friday Magazine)



#5 Jordan – 34.3%





#4 Egypt – 34.6%




#3 Belize – 34.9%





#2 Saudi Arabia – 35.2%





#1 Kuwait – 42.8%


(Celia Peterson)
(Celia Peterson)



WE SAID THIS: Sadly, this is a sign from God we should all start hitting the gym.

