From In-person to On-screen, the Evolution of UAE’s Educational System
The COVID-19 pandemic unquestionably took the world by surprise. From living a life that we were accustomed to, to suddenly being taken off guard by an unfamiliar virus. One of the many changes that the world experienced was an evolution in the educational system. Every country has taken different measures to protect its people, and the UAE was one of them. In light of this, here’s a quick look at how the educational system is now, and what can be expected in the future.
Changes in the educational system during the pandemic

Ever since the virus hit, the world turned upside down. From March 2020, until the end of the educational year of 2020/2021, the UAE has undergone many changes to ensure its students are protected. Distance learning and online tutoring were the next plan. Teachers implemented professional training as well as many learning platforms, making the online learning experience for their students smoother. In addition to this, the students were also trained to understand how to use such platforms and study. The schools also had follow up committees and monitors, ensuring that the students were receiving the best possible education, given the limitations at hand. Their support did not end there however. Any home that didn’t have an internet connection was supplied free Wi-Fi by the UAE. government.
What to expect with the COVID-19 vaccine
The UAE’s public school system is returning to the classroom. All public schools have been disinfected, and are getting ready to receive the students back again. The schools will reopen with a 50% capacity and students are expected to show up in person for classes. Vaccination is now mandatory for any student older than 16 years-old, as well as for all employees of the school. In addition, private schools, which most UAE students attend, are also preparing for students to return to class once again.