Fifi Abdou’s First Snapchat Attempt Is the Only Thing You Need to See Right Now

Eshtat 3asalat follat men Scoop Empire team.  The Queen of Egyptian social media, the one and only Fifi Abdou, is always uniquely up to date; not only has she created her own slang language that we all use, but also domestically travels everywhere to show people how beautiful our homeland is.


Yesterday, Raqeset Misr Eloula was with her daughter Hanady at a business dinner when she casually decided to finally try and grace our mobile screens with videos using a unique selection of Snapchat filters. Esxuzmee but Snapchat has never looked better on anyone. Khamsa emwah aleeky ya Fifi!


Here are your first exclusive Fifi looks as never seen before:


She first appeared with the most popular filter of all time





Look how cute she is? Fifi was just as equally surprised by the tongue as we were, as she didn’t think that the dog filter comes with more than just the ear.


She then tried the gazal filter




Look at our very own Sakina rocking the gazal Bamboo look!  She was having a 10-seconds-blast with this one.


Next came the galatic rabbit filter




The keed ElNessa starlet didn’t seem to like this filter although she informed her snappers that carrots are really important, but we think she looked gorge with these rabbit ears! She is Fifi. Duuh!


Then a magical moment happened




It was time for the best filter Snapchat has ever created, the flower crown, and Fofa hands down looked like a mermaid or some kind of a magical creature. We think it’s about time the next Disney princess is an oriental dancer.


 And finally she tried her fifth and final one. You know she does every thing in khamsas!




The butterfly crown looked like it was made just for her. Just sexxaaay! She then gave us her goodbye kiss and left us replaying her story over and over again!



WE SAID THIS: We seriously love how cool you are Fifi. Which filter looked best on her? Tell us what you think!

