Egyptian Women Launch Campaign to Change Custody Law After Women’s Second Marriage

Divorce has been a stigma for women in Egypt for decades. Not only does the ex-wife has to deal with preconceived notions by society and family members, she might unwillingly choose to stay single to avoid losing custody of her children. The Egyptian law stipulates multiple criteria regarding child custody after divorce.

Based on the needs and age of the children, the priority of guardianship is decided. Act number 25 decreed in 1929 categorizes women priority: The mother, then the grandmother from the mother’s side; then the grandmother from the father’s side, then sisters, then sisters from the mother only; then sisters from the father’s side, etc. Only then will the right come to the man’s side.

بيان إعلامي لتدشين حملة ..جوازي مايمنعش حضانتي لأولادي .. لا يمكن للمرأة التي تتعرّض للظلم والتمييز والعنف في المجال…

Posted by ‎مؤسسة قضايا المرأة المصرية – Centre for Egyptian Women Legal Assistance‎ on Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Egyptian women have been suffering for years in order to keep their children in case they re-married to assure the stability and proper development for them. The automatic transfer of custody to fathers in case women choose to move on with her life is cruel and paralyzing to both parent and child.

بيان إعلامي لتدشين حملة ..جوازي مايمنعش حضانتي لأولادي .. لا يمكن للمرأة التي تتعرّض للظلم والتمييز والعنف في المجال…

Posted by ‎مؤسسة قضايا المرأة المصرية – Centre for Egyptian Women Legal Assistance‎ on Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Centre for Egyptian Women Legal Assistance took things in hand and launched a campaign in hopes of guaranteeing women same privileges as to the ones that are given for men. “Women who are subjected to injustice, discrimination, and violence in the private sphere cannot participate in the public sphere as effectively and as freely as long as they are legally and socially punished for demanding some rights by waiving others”, the campaign stated.

The initiative will share multiple stories by mothers with the hashtag #towards_fair_family_law and all mothers are invited to be part of the campaign in hopes for law amendment.

WE SAID THIS: If you’ve lost your children during a divorce battle, make sure you share your story.
