Dubai has Just Been Ranked Ahead of These Western Cities for Best Quality of Life!
By Febronia Hanna
In a new Deutsche Bank report, our very own, Dubai was ranked 18th out of 50 countries for best quality of life, the evaluation was based on eight categories that include quality of healthcare, cost of consumer goods, and the affordability of housing, which was put in comparison with the individual’s income, among other factors such as safety, climate, and traffic.

In this report; New York ranked the 47th, while London and Paris took the 40th and the 42nd places respectively in the cost of living leaving the 22nd place for the Middle Eastern Dubai.
The top countries that ranked highest in the report concerned with the quality of life were; Wellington, New Zealand, Zurich, Switzerland, Copenhagen, Denmark, Edinburgh, UK and Vienna, Austria.
It was expected that Dubai would rank high in such international reports as we can witness how Dubai has the best luxurious services, hotels, beaches and incredible reputation among Middle Eastern countries.