Detoxing 101


Since detoxing is the new “In” thing that everybody is talking about; we decided to contribute and give you some hints on the matter.

Not familiar with the term? We’ve it all covered for you.

Detoxification it is the process of removing toxins from the body, The liver is our primary detoxing center, along with the lymphatic system, spleen and kidneys, all of them try to eliminate toxins and prevent their accumulation in the body, what we want to do is to try to give them a little push by following some good old techniques so that they don’t have to bear all the hard work alone.   

There are so many detoxing methods ranging from coffee detoxification, alkaline juices, body detoxification, and organic food diets, each has its own routine.

Your body stores a lot of toxins from different sources; the environment is the primary source.  It is impossible to avoid toxins; but it’s manageable to limit its effect on you, so if you want to release some of the toxins in your body, boost good health and that general “woozy “feeling, those coming few tips are for you:

Those easy picked techniques that can easily fit through your day are a pre-requisite to any detoxing process, so why not ramp up and start with them. Cleanse your body for a healthier you.

1. Water works miracles. No wonder that the human body is 70% water, it is literally the secret of life, in the morning drink a large glass of water with a slice of lemon (or the juice of half a lemon) to boost the digestion process and flush out toxins; Lemon is rich in antioxidant Vitamin C.  Both are excellent for your skin too.

2. Stuff up on those greens. Foods having the color green has an undeniable effect on the detoxing process as they act as a good source of chlorophyll; which gets rids of environmental toxins, an example of those are cucumbers, broccoli, celery and all leafy greens.

3. Break a sweat. Toxins leave the body through perspiration, so exercise regularly by walking, running, or dancing to get rid of accumulated wastes.

4. Green tea is the answer. The number one drink in any detoxing process, green tea provides amazing benefits and is most popular for increasing metabolism (helps in losing weight) and cleansing one’s body from impurities, an irreplaceable fluid that should be added to your daily diet.

5. Fresh Fruits, anyone?.Rich in vitamins, fibers and antioxidants;fresh fruits are both healthy and tasty; a definite combofor improving your well-being. Who doesn’t like a smoothieor a fruit salad anyway?

We really hope that this new “wellness” approach that took Cairo by storm remains a life style and not just be a passing trend!

Stay fit, stay healthy, and stay happy!
