Coffee Lovers Unite: Don’t Miss Egypt’s AeroPress Championship This Friday!
Are you someone who loves to get their caffeine fix every morning? Someone who loves the smell of fresh brew? Someone who has an unexpected amount of knowledge on all things coffee?
Well, we have a treat for you. This Friday, coffee enthusiasts will gather together and witness a lively and exciting championship in which contestants will compete against each other to brew the best cup of coffee using the AeroPress.
What To Expect During The Event?
Known as the AeroPress championship, this competition will take place at the Royal Park in Sheikh Zayed. Attendees won’t just get to watch the action unfold but also indulge in a variety of treats offered by participating exhibitors and vendors.
The event will also give everyone a chance to mingle and network, allowing the coffee community to grow even further.

What’s in Store for the Winner?
The special winner of this competition won’t just get any kind of prize. They’ll get the unique opportunity to represent Egypt on the international stage by competing against national champions from around the world to earn the coveted title of World AeroPress Champion.
Whoever wins this competition will take part in the upcoming international competition taking place in Lisbon, Portugal, on September 20th and 21st.
Why You Should Attend
If you love coffee, enjoy a bout of friendly competition, and hope to broaden your network, attend the upcoming event. Don’t forget to grab your favorite cup of Joe and get ready for an exciting bout of coffee fun!