Artist to Follow: Master of Ink and Pencil Drawing, Hossam Mohamed

Egypt is packed with hidden talents in every corner. All they need is a chance to rise and shine, then they are unstoppable. One of Egypt’s most talented artists is the Engineering student, Hossam Mohamed. The 23-year-old Egyptian artist studies architecture in the Higher Technological Institute and has left people in awe on social media at such a young age.

It all started with learning the basic techniques of pencil drawing for the architecture department admission and ended with a huge fan base and incredible surfaced skills. Mohamed started his journey two years ago with pencil drawing; he learned about perspectives, then found a real passion for art created by ink. The young man later started expanding his art by creating antiques by wire; even went as far as starting a workshop for fellow architecture lovers.

Via Hossam Mohamed

Hossam Mohamed described his journey as simple and joyful, however, many might have another point of view. Many accused him of imitating other artists and lacking originality, yet he believes every artist should master every technique and learn everything other artists create. His future plans are to continue his post-graduate degree in Italy and have his own gallery. We wish him nothing but luck!

Check out some of his best artwork:

Via Hossam Mohamed

Via Hossam Mohamed
Via Hossam Mohamed
Via Hossam Mohamed

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